People who live in our area are welcome to use the schoolhouse for personal events such as birthday parties, wedding receptions, family get-togethers, and free community events. We also have a limited number of events we can allow each year that are for-profit. Examples of a for-profit event are classes that charge a fee or a yard sale).
The Venersborg Schoolhouse located at 24309 NE 209th Street was built in 1912. It is on the National Historic Register and on Washington States’ Historic Register as the oldest community building in continuous use. Your help is needed to keep it in good repair. By using the building YOU are considered an associate member and are responsible for cleaning and/or any damage that results from your use or your guests’ use of the building.
The building has a capacity of 85 people. There are tables and benches on site and about ten folding wooden chairs. Bring your own tablecloths (bed sheets also work). Cell service is spotty though people are usually able to send and receive texts. There is no wireless service in the building.
General Public: 1-20 people $50 21-40 people $75 41-85 people $100 Commercial (for-profit) events: $150 Scouts & youth groups: trade for service hours
Fees are payable to the Venersborg Historic Preservation Society. An additional $35 cleaning deposit is charged separately, and is refunded when the school and grounds are left clean as instructed on the downloaded form.
We welcome any additional donations above the minimum fee. All funds are used to maintain the building or sponsor community events. Thank you for helping us keep the schoolhouse in good shape.
To request a date for use or ask questions …
Contact Emily Meek & Kathy Holtby by email at, or click here.
Once you have confirmed the building is available on the date you request, print out the form below and MAIL a HARD COPY of the last page (Reservation Form) in with your payment. The space is not reserved until we have both the form and the fee. Check that the date is open here.
DO NOT EMAIL your reservation form.
MAIL the FORM with YOUR CHECKS to Venersborg Historic Preservation Society, P.O. Box 475, Battle Ground, WA 98604
To reserve the schoolhouse, please use this document:
Rental Request Form
Print a copy of the Guidelines for using the schoolhouse
Bring this with you to the schoolhouse.
Because we are a small organization, we don’t have staff to clean up after each building use. We rely upon you, the renter, to do that. Please leave the building, fire pit, and grounds clean, neat and as you found it.
There are a few details and instructions peculiar to the schoolhouse that you must be aware of and follow. The form you just downloaded explains the tasks that need to be done to open the building, turn on the utilities, and how to clean up after you use the building. If the building is not clean, we will charge an additional fee to you.
IMPORTANT: Other renters have told us they find it best to initial each task as they go through their cleanup. What a smart idea!
Thank you for making use of this beloved building. We hope you enjoy its rustic warmth and the pleasure it brings to our community. If you notice a problem please notify us as soon as possible by TEXTING Emily Meek at 360-798-3931.
Donations are gratefully accepted. Funds earned from rentals are used for building maintenance and to run community events. Make a donation to the Venersborg Historic Preservation Society (VHPS) – a 501c(3) non-profit organization. Mail to: P.O. Box 475, Battle Ground, WA 98604
Venersborg Historic Preservation Society’s (VHPS) mission statement:
- To preserve and improve the Historic Venersborg Schoolhouse and its rural and historic character for use as a social, educational, agricultural and recreational facility for the Venersborg regional community
- To promote responsible, productive community leadership and volunteerism, and
- To promote and support community needs
Note: We reserve the right to cancel your event due to non-payment, unexpected maintenance or similar issues. The schoolhouse is administered solely by volunteers, please be kind to them!